Undecalactone Gamma ehk Aldehyde C14 Peach. Puuviljane virsiku lõhnaaine meloni alatooniga, nimetatakse ka Aldehyde C14 Peach (kuigi tegelikult pole tegu aldehüüdiga).
Lõhnasegusse / eeterlikku õlisse lisada järgukaupa ja esialgu tagasihoidlikult, sest lõhnaaine omab efekti ka juba väikeses koguses.
Arctander: This material is widely used, although in minute amounts, in perfume compositions. In order of frequency in use, it ranks very high among the materials on the perfumer’s shelf. But it is not the kind of material ordinarily sold in drum-lots. It extends the depth of an Orangeblossom often too harsh with conventional materials, and it is a frequent component of Honeysuckle, etc. Concentrations far below 1% are effective, and it is at times possible to ruin a fragrance with 0.1% of the title material, just as well as it is possible to double the floral sweetness and depth of another fragrance with that amount of Undecalactone and use it with higher amounts in fruity-berry compositions.
Hindamiseks on mõistlik teha lahjendus 3-15% baasõlis või etanoolis.
CAS: 104-67-6